New members are always welcome, simply complete our Membership form here
Get in Touch
Address for postal applications:
North West Translators’ Network, 3 Powder Mill Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 1GB
General Questions?
Use the form below
The NWTN Committee
- Laurence Bisot, Chair & Events Team
chair@nwtn.org.uk - Rebecca Power, Treasurer
treasurer@nwtn.org.uk - Kate Lo, Events Team Leader
events@nwtn.org.uk - Janice Crossfield, Update Editor/Events Team
update@nwtn.org.uk - Marta Cisa, Events Minutes Secretary/Events Team
- Angelines Guerrero, Social Media Officer/EventsTeam
- socialmedia@nwtn.org.uk
- Katell Sevellec, Academic Liaison/Events Team
katell@nwtn.org.uk - Mike Hanson, Vice Chair/Walk Coordinator
mike@nwtn.org.uk - Helen Jones, Membership Secretary
membership@nwtn.org.uk - Helen McFarlane, AGM Minutes Secretary
Please read this carefully, so you direct your communication to the appropriate Committee Member:
- For general enquiries about the NWTN or the translation and interpreting industry, please contact the Chair: chair@nwtn.org.uk. Please bear in mind that the NWTN does not act as a translation company and, as such, does not handle translation and interpreting assignments. Please use the Member Directory tool to contact individual members directly to contract their translation and interpreting services.
- For enquiries about membership, progress of your application, renewals, etc. please contact our Membership Secretary: membership@nwtn.org.uk
- For enquiries or suggestions about our workshops, training, social events or Annual Dinner, please contact our Events Team Leader: events@nwtn.org.uk
- For enquiries about the NWTN finances, for invoices, receipts, or to claim your CPD subsidy (available to Full Members only), please contact the Treasurer: treasurer@nwtn.org.uk
- If you have any short items for inclusion in the monthly update, please send them to Janice Crossfield at update@nwtn.org.uk.
If you have any longer items for inclusion on the NWTN website, please send them to communications@nwtn.org.uk. A link to them will be included in the next monthly Update. If you have any idea or question regarding social media, please contact Angelines at socialmedia@nwtn.org.uk. - For enquiries about Comittee meeting minutes, please contact the Minutes Secretary: minutes@nwtn.org.uk
- For enquiries about the NWTN Coworking sessions, please contact the Events Team: events@nwtn.org.uk
Information relating to translation or interpreting subjects and services have been provided by the members and are not assessed by the NWTN. The NWTN carries out specific verifications on the qualifications of Full Members, but no guarantee is given as to the factual accuracy of any information contained in the Directory. The NWTN is not a language service provider or a professional body. The NWTN, including all or any Committee members, do not accept any responsibility or liability in relation to any work undertaken (or contracted to be undertaken) by any members listed in the Directory.