Dot Roberts tells us about the first NWTN CPD events following our summer break.
Susie Jackson gave us the boost of confidence I think we all needed.
Upon registering for this event, we each submitted questions for Susie based around pricing our services and managing the financial side of our businesses. Susie went through our questions in detail during a live webinar and gave us plenty of chances to ask more questions that came up. It was a great opportunity to get advice on our personal areas of concern.
Susie offered some invaluable tips on how to set your prices based on how much you need/want to earn and how much time you have/want to spend in order to earn that money. I particularly appreciated the time-tracking tip and the tools Susie recommended – in fact, I’m tracking my time right now while writing this article!
We also learnt about the best ways to put together a quote, how to account for things like rush projects and other variables, and how to stand firm with the fees we quote. One sentence she said really stood out to me, “The service provider sets the rate, not the client.”
Susie gave us advice on how to raise our rates and the best time to do this.
She reminded us that everyone has different feelings about money, but that regardless of these feelings, we should take action anyway and make sure we’re earning what we need to be and what we deserve. One of her tips for giving yourself a confidence boost was to look back over your testimonials and kind words from clients and remind yourself that your work is valued and appreciated.
Susie reminded us that we are the ones in charge of our businesses, not our clients, and that we should have enough clients to be able to walk away from any one of them when we need to. “You hold the power to charge what you want to charge.”
It’s safe to say, I left that Zoom call feeling much more confident about myself and my business, and ready to implement everything I had learnt. Thank you, Susie!
If you missed this event, take a look at Susie’s website to find out more about her and what she does, access her free resources and check out her group and one-to-one mentoring sessions.