Join NWTN Chair Laurence Bisot and colleagues for an informal chat online via Zoom. For one hour during your lunch break, we’ll host a drop-in Q&A session.The autumn is upon us… how do you cope with darker days? How do you keep warm in your office? Do you have special ways of keeping well in the winter?Have you started a new CPD routine or are you experimenting new tools or technologies?No
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Working Lunch: Drop-In
Join NWTN Chair Laurence Bisot and colleagues for an informal chat online via Zoom. For one hour during your lunch break, we’ll host a drop-in Q&A session.
As we start a new membership year, we have some exciting social and CPD events planned.
What about you?
Do you have any new goals or projects for the rest of the calendar year, or do you feel like it's a new beginning?
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Working Lunch: Drop-In
Join NWTN Chair Laurence Bisot and colleagues for an informal chat online via Zoom. For one hour during your lunch break, we’ll host a drop-in Q&A session.
How was your summer?
Do you have any new goals or projects? Do you have this back-to-school feeling in September, the urge to learn something new or to start a new course?
No matter what the burning issue may be, come along and
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Working Lunch: Drop-In
Join NWTN Chair Laurence Bisot and colleagues for an informal chat online via Zoom. For one hour during your lunch break, we’ll host a drop-in Q&A session.
What have you been up to this month? What progress have you made in the first half of the year? And most importantly, what are you up to this summer?
Working, holidays, visiting family in another country, brushing up your source
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BOOKCHAT chapter 13
It’s finally spring, and we’re looking forward to hearing what all you bookworms have been reading during all these rainy days... Whether you’re a regular or have never attended before, we’ll be delighted to see you on Zoom from 7.00 pm on Tuesday 14th May for Bookchat chapter 13!
We’ll start the session by talking about books featuring translators and/or interpreters as characters, or
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Working Lunch: Drop-In
Join NWTN Chair Laurence Bisot and colleagues for an informal chat online via Zoom. For one hour during your lunch break, we’ll host a drop-in Q&A session.
As the ITI Conference is very soon, it would be great to know which NWTN members are attending, online or in Edinburgh.
👶 Is it your first ITI Conference? come and ask your questions if you have any, and tell us about your
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Working Lunch: Drop-In
Join NWTN Chair Laurence Bisot and colleagues for an informal chat online via Zoom. For one hour during your lunch break, we’ll host a drop-in Q&A session.
What have you been up to this month? Do you have any new goals or projects? Have you made progress with your goals?
No matter what the burning issue may be, come along and share with your colleagues!
Zoom meeting ID: 870 5200
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Working Lunch: Drop-In
Join NWTN Chair Laurence Bisot and colleagues for an informal chat online via Zoom. For one hour during your lunch break, we’ll host a drop-in Q&A session.
What have you been up to this month? Do you have any new goal or project? Have you made progress with your goals?
Our AGM is coming soon. Do you have any question about the NWTN, how the committee works and how to volunteer?
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NWTN Annual Dinner 2024
Spring is coming, and it’s time to meet again for a convivial dinner with colleagues. This year, we’re returning to Browns Brasserie in Manchester City Centre, with a delicious three-course menu to tempt your tastebuds. The NWTN will pay for your first drink to lighten the atmosphere and get everyone chatting.
Your partner is welcome to join us too! As a note to any newbie members, or those who
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Spring Walk – a Joint NWTN/YTI Adventure
Another opportunity to socialise with your colleagues from the other side of the Pennines, on a joint walk on ‘neutral territory’ in the Derbyshire Peak District. The Hope Valley is only around 10 miles from Sheffield but its rocky skylines and wooded valleys are among the Peak District’s most scenic landscapes. Like last time, there will be a harder and an easier walk – see below for details.
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