How connection and collaboration make membership a must – by Nina Hasinski – 16th november 2024
– Focusing on the principles of collaboration and support amongst colleagues, this November’s Stronger Together 2 meet-up, organised by the NWTN, built upon the foundations of last year’s event and reminded us how valuable being part of a network is, both professionally and
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BOOKCHAT chapter 13
It’s finally spring, and we’re looking forward to hearing what all you bookworms have been reading during all these rainy days... Whether you’re a regular or have never attended before, we’ll be delighted to see you on Zoom from 7.00 pm on Tuesday 14th May for Bookchat chapter 13!
We’ll start the session by talking about books featuring translators and/or interpreters as characters, or
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Working Lunch: Drop-In
Join NWTN Chair Laurence Bisot and colleagues for an informal chat online via Zoom. For one hour during your lunch break, we’ll host a drop-in Q&A session.
What have you been up to this month? Do you have any new goal or project? Have you made progress with your goals?
Our AGM is coming soon. Do you have any question about the NWTN, how the committee works and how to volunteer?
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NWTN Annual Dinner 2024
Spring is coming, and it’s time to meet again for a convivial dinner with colleagues. This year, we’re returning to Browns Brasserie in Manchester City Centre, with a delicious three-course menu to tempt your tastebuds. The NWTN will pay for your first drink to lighten the atmosphere and get everyone chatting.
Your partner is welcome to join us too! As a note to any newbie members, or those who
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Spring Walk – a Joint NWTN/YTI Adventure
Another opportunity to socialise with your colleagues from the other side of the Pennines, on a joint walk on ‘neutral territory’ in the Derbyshire Peak District. The Hope Valley is only around 10 miles from Sheffield but its rocky skylines and wooded valleys are among the Peak District’s most scenic landscapes. Like last time, there will be a harder and an easier walk – see below for details.
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Festive Social 2023
Having recently returned to the NWTN fold after a few years in the professional-networking wilderness, I couldn’t think of a better occasion to connect with the group than the annual Festive Social. On registering my interest with event organiser Kate in advance, I was reminded of the two conditions of attendance: wear something festive and bake something for the buffet.
Thus, clad in my faithful
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BOOKCHAT Chapter 12
It’s been months since we last met, so we're looking forward to hearing what all you bookworms have been reading and what you received for Christmas! Whether you’re a regular or have never attended before, we’ll be delighted to see you on Zoom from 7.00 pm on Tuesday 23rd January for Bookchat Chapter 12!
We’ll start the session by talking about the books
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Summer Walk 2023
This year’s NWTN summer walk set off from the village of Arnside in Cumbria, a former fishing port on the estuary where the River Kent enters Morecambe Bay.
A generously sized group of intrepid translators gathered at the glamourous meeting point of the public conveniences on the front ready to set out on a circular walk around the headland. Everyone was in high spirits despite the looming
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Summer picnic at RHS Bridgewater
Our visit to the gardens this May was a real success, and lots of you said you'd love to go back to see what grows there in the summer! The picnic area is lovely with trees and a wildflower meadow, and the walks around the gardens and wider estate merit greater exploration!
Join us for a picnic and a chance to (re)visit this wonderful site where nature and history meet in a unique gardening
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NTWN Tour of RHS Garden Bridgewater
When my regional ITI network, the North West Translators' Network (NWTN), advertised a trip to the RHS Garden Bridgewater I signed up immediately. I had seen spectacular aerial pictures of the enormous walled garden on TV when the garden first opened a couple of years ago, so the opportunity to join a private group tour was too good to miss.
Named after the Bridgewater Canal, which runs past
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